Independent Testing
How does Wax Warm Ups compare to traditional wax melts?
Performance Tests & Methods
Three samples of each product style were subjected to an 8-hour Actual Use Test to evaluate the ease of use of both products. The temperature of each product was also measured every 30 minutes.
One sample of each product was then subjected to a 14-hour Actual Use Test to evaluate duration of time each sample emitted a fragrance.
The same style of wax melt warmer was used in all testing.
View of products at the beginning of the Actual Use Test.
Wax Warm Ups
X Brand Product
View of products after 30 minutes of use
Wax Warm Ups
X Brand Product
View of products after 4 hours of use
Wax Warm Ups
X Brand Product
View of products after 8 hours of use
Wax Warm Ups
X Brand Product
View of products after being allowed to cool to room temperature after use.
Wax Warm Ups
X Brand Product
View of warmer that was holding the products after being hand washed for 10 seconds.
Wax Warm Ups
X Brand Product
Executive Summary
Based on the results of testing, it is the opinion of Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, Inc. (BVCPS) that the AFFCO product, WarmUps, exhibited preferred performance compared to the X Brand product. The AFFCO product was found to be much safer as it generated a much lower temperature and remained in solid form throughout its use. Also, the AFFCO product was much easier to clean-up after use.